
Minimum Edit Distance

Minimum Edit Distance is defined as the minimum number of edits (delete, insert, replace) needed to transform a source string to a target string. The algorithm uses dynamic programming both to calculate the minimum edit distance and to identify a corresponding sequence of edits.

Getting Things Done: Projects List and Next Actions

Lately I’ve been practicing David Allen’s “Getting Things Done” framework, which consists of components for getting tasks out of your head and into a system to improve productivity and reduce stress.

Spinning up PostgreSQL in Docker for Easy Analysis

My typical analysis workflow is to start with data in some kind of database, perhaps Redshift or Snowflake. Often I’m working with millions or even billions of rows, but modern databases excel at operating with data at scale.

Timekeeping with Emacs and Org-Mode

Although I have been an Emacs user for 15 years, for the first 13 of those years I only used a handful of commands and one or two “modes”. A couple years ago I went through the Emacs tutorial (within Emacs, type C-h r) to see if I was missing anything useful.

A/B Testing Best Practices

When I started this blog, my primary objective was less about teaching others A/B testing and more about clarifying my own thoughts on A/B testing. I had been running A/B tests for about a year, and I was starting to feel uncomfortable with some of the standard methodologies.

Getting Things Done

Getting Things Done or GTD is a productivity framework introduced by David Allen. Since his book was first published in 2001, the paradigm has achieved something of a cult status, especially among Emacs users. In this post I will describe my very-much-in-progress implementation of these systems.

Object Detection with Deep Learning

One of the most interesting topics in the Coursera Deep Learning specialization is the “YOLO” algorithm for object detection. I often find it helpful to describe algorithms in my own words to solidify my understanding, and that is precisely what I will do here.

Thoughts on the Coursera Deep Learning Specialization

I recently completed the Deep Learning specialization on Coursera from Over five courses, they go over generic neural networks, regularization, convolutional neural nets, and recurrent neural nets. Having completed it, I would say the specialization is a great overview, and a jumping off point for learning more about particular techniques.

Distribution of Local Minima in Deep Neural Networks

The “unreasonable effectiveness of deep learning” has been much discussed. Namely, as the cost function is non-convex, any optimization procedure will in general find a local, non-global, minimum. Actually, algorithms like gradient descent will terminate (perhaps because of early stopping) before even reaching a local minimum.

Computer Vision Cheat Sheet

I am currently working through Convolutional Neural Networks, the fourth course in the Coursera specialization on Deep Learning. The first week of that course contains some hard-to-remember equations about filter sizes and padding and striding and I thought it would be helpful for me to write it out for future reference.