Compiling Emacs 29 With Tree-Sitter
I started a new job recently and took the opportunity to install a new version of Emacs. Emacs 29 includes tree-sitter and built-in eglot support, which I’ll write about some other time. In this post, I just want to document how I compiled Emacs on an M2 macos device.
First I cloned the Emacs repo to my machine and checked out the desired branch:
$ git clone git://
$ git checkout emacs-29
Next I installed some prereqs using homebrew:
$ brew install gnutls gcc libgccjit texinfo tree-sitter jansson \
librsvg imagemagick jpeg giflib libpng libtiff
The first four of these were needed to get Emacs to compile at all. You need to install tree-sitter first, if you want to compile Emacs with tree-sitter support. You need jansson if you want to compile Emacs with native json support, which apparently is essential if you want fast language-server support. I’m not sure how necessary the image stuff is, but I included them.
Next I built Emacs. I had to specify the compiler to make sure to use the right version:
$ CC=gcc-12 ./
$ CPPFLAGS="-I/opt/homebrew/opt/jpeg/include" \
LDFLAGS="-L/opt/homebrew/opt/jpeg/lib" \
./configure --with-native-compilation=aot --with-tree-sitter \
--with-gif --with-png --with-jpeg --with-rsvg --with-tiff \
--with-imagemagick --with-x-toolkit=gtk3 --with-xwidgets
$ make
I built with ahead-of-time native compilation, which took about an hour.
You can test things out with:
$ src/emacs -Q
which will open up the new Emacs. Next make sure there is no existing in your Applications folder, then:
$ make install
$ mv nextstep/ /Applications
That’s it!